2025-02-03 (Day 034) Grumbing About Gasworks

This road is the road that goes past the end of my street.

A couple of months ago, I was coming back in the car from somewhere on a Friday evening, and saw people setting out some cones on the ground, on this same road. It looked quite casual, a couple of guys putting out a few cones. No big deal.

But as the days passed, the amount of work being done increased. The areas that were coned off grew in size, the number of people increased, and we even ended up with temporary traffic lights.

Well, after a couple of weeks, everything was taken away, and everything was quiet. But now, a hundred metres up the same road, there are more roadworks in place – and I would assume it’s work on the same gas main.

So… how long is it going to be before the powers that be decide that it’s time to replace the entire gas main, and the whole road will be closed for weeks?

Of course, I do want the pipe fixed – the last thing I want is the gas to fail, or to leak out all over the place!